Las Vegas Acupuncture

Las Vegas Acupuncture

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Acupuncture as a method of relieving pain and stress that involves the insertion of thin needles into your skin at specific points known as meridians or pathways.  It is derived from an ancient eastern medicine techniques where the belief was that energy within the body flows along these specific pathways.  Pain and discomfort as well as overall poor health were believed to be able to be relieved through the balancing of life energy.  It was theorized that poor health and pain were as a result of the life force being out of balance and out of harmony.  Through the insertion of needles along the pathways that life force flows, it could be rebalanced and assist the patient towards a more harmonious life and ultimately feelings of joy without pain.  Modern western medicine has adopted many of the techniques that were used in ancient acupuncture, however the belief that this technique is bouncing life energy is not necessarily the reasoning behind it.  In western medicine it is believed that through the insertion of needles at specific points in the body you can stimulate the nerves and connective tissue as well as the muscles in order to release the body’s natural pain management defenses.  The modern acupuncturist will insert these needles at specific points based upon an analysis of where the pain and discomfort lies within the patient as well as what may have brought this discomfort about.  The technique will usually utilized somewhere between 5 and 20 needles are inserted into the skin before being manipulated.  Each acupuncture technician has a different technique, but the manipulation of thin needles will generally involve a twirling or spinning motion.  These needles are then left inserted for a specified time frame while the person relaxes on a padded table.  Sometimes the area where the needle insertion happens is actually not near the area where pain is felt.  This is due to experience showing the acupuncture technician where the nerves and connective tissue must be stimulated in order to have an impact at a specific place in the body.  These techniques can be used to relieve many different kinds of pain and discomfort ranging from headaches and migraines to lower back pain and even menstrual cramps.  Acupuncture has also been noted to be able to relieve nausea and vomiting happens as a result of chemotherapy.  While it is not prescribed for every type of pain management, it is generally believed to have a positive impact in patients that may not be responding well to more traditional treatments.  It is important to note that there is usually no pain or discomfort felt by the patient door in the acupuncture procedure.  The needles are thin enough that upon insertion or withdrawal, most patients will feel nothing at all.  After the acupuncture treatment, patients will respond in a variety of ways.  Some feel energized and others feel relaxed.

If you would like to find out more about acupuncture and are in the Las Vegas area, contact our local Las Vegas acupuncture clinic today.