What Is The Difference Between Regular Acupuncture And Electroacupuncture?

What Is The Difference Between Regular Acupuncture And Electroacupuncture?

Traditional acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that dates back more than 2500 years ago. In Chinese medicine, the belief is that our bodies contain an energy life force known as “qi.” (pronounced “chee”) This energy flows through pathways known as “meridians.” When this energy becomes blocked, it can lead to health issues, aches, and pains. Acupuncture is used to balance these subtle energies in order to restore health and promote healing. This is done using thin filiform needles that are placed into the skin on specific meridian points. These needles stimulate the nervous system, causing endorphins to be released and the immune system to respond.

What conditions does acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture has been known to treat a variety of conditions. It is most commonly used for treating pain but it is also used for treating mental health issues among other conditions. Here are some common ailments that acupuncture can treat:

  • Chronic back pain/neck pain/joint pain
  • Migraines/headaches
  • Depression/anxiety/stress
  • Allergies
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Respiratory disorders
  • And many more

What is electroacupuncture?

Electroacupuncture is basically an enhanced version of traditional acupuncture. Unlike traditional acupuncture where 10-20 needles are used during one session, electroacupuncture typically uses fewer needles. These needles are connected by alligator clips to a machine that sends electrical currents through the needles. Your acupuncturist will determine where to place the needles based on your condition and symptoms. Electroacupuncture machines have different current and voltage settings. Low-voltage settings will be used in the beginning but your acupuncturist may increase the voltage throughout the session. During one of these sessions, you may feel a tingling sensation but it is typically not painful. It also takes less time than traditional acupuncture- 10-20 minutes compared to 30 minutes or longer. These sessions are meant to enhance healing and your body’s natural nervous system and immune response.

What conditions are commonly treated with electroacupuncture?

There is a wide variety of conditions that can be treated with electroacupuncture. It has been widely used in China for treating a variety of neurological conditions and has been useful for treating sensory and motor problems. Some other common conditions treated by electroacupuncture are

  • Headaches
  • Back/neck/joint pain
  • Depression/anxiety/stress
  • Arthritis
  • Addiction
  • Acute pain
  • Tinnitus
  • Chemotherapy-related nausea

Talk to your doctor or your local acupuncturist to see if electroacupuncture is right for you. Side effects of electroacupuncture are uncommon, but in rare cases, they may include nausea, pain, redness or bruising where the needles were placed, and dizziness or feeling faint.

Finding the right acupuncturist for you

If you are interested in trying electroacupuncture, it’s important to find a licensed acupuncturist who is experienced in both traditional and electroacupuncture. They will be able to recommend a treatment plan that fits your individual needs and condition(s). They may recommend a combination of different treatments within Chinese medicine. These treatments may include some variety of herbal therapy, diet recommendations, cupping, and other types of treatment. If you are in the Las Vegas area, you can contact our office for more information about acupuncture treatment options.

Can Acupuncture Help With Anxiety And Depression?

Can Acupuncture Help With Anxiety And Depression?

Millions of Americans suffer from anxiety and depression. Mental health is a serious concern in the US and there is still so much progress to be made as far as treatment goes. Common treatment options for depression and anxiety include different types of therapy and antidepressant medications such as SSRIs and SNRIs. Many people are turning to more natural types of treatments that have fewer side-effects. Acupuncture has been proven to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression in many patients. Using acupuncture on its own or in addition to other treatments can be a great option for people wanting to improve their mental health.

How does acupuncture help with anxiety and depression?

Acupuncture helps to relieve depression and anxiety in much the same way that it relieves physical pain. The energy source of the body, or what’s known as “qi” in Chinese medicine, flows through the body on energy channels known as “meridians.” When these energy channels become blocked or unbalanced, acupuncture can help to unblock energy, allowing it to flow freely. This energy affects both physical and mental function. Depression and anxiety are sometimes caused by an imbalance in the neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin and dopamine. Acupuncture can help to regulate these neurotransmitters, resulting in more emotional stability. Poor mental health can also be caused by other factors such as life circumstances and high levels of stress. Acupuncture can also alleviate stress because it causes an increase in the release of endorphin hormones which are known to decrease stress and improve one’s overall health and happiness.

Another reason acupuncture helps to regulate emotions is that it stimulates the nervous system and the immune system. The nervous system is a complex system that affects every aspect of our health- especially mental health. The nervous system affects everything from our mood, behaviors, and thought patterns to memory and body control. The nervous system and the immune system communicate with one another, working together to provide optimal health and function. Acupuncture stimulates the immune system, causing it to respond better to pain and sickness. The immune system is our body’s response to injury, sickness, and disease. It’s important to have a healthy, functioning immune system in order to achieve overall physical, mental, and emotional health.

What to expect during treatment

During an acupuncture session, several tiny filiform needles will be placed into certain points of the skin. These points will be determined by a licensed acupuncturist according to your specific needs. The needles are typically left in for 20-30 minutes before being removed. Your acupuncturist may recommend electroacupuncture. Electroacupuncture has been known to reduce psychiatric symptoms in patients suffering from depression and anxiety. During electroacupuncture, a machine is used that runs electrical currents through the acupuncture needles to enhance treatment.

In addition to acupuncture, your acupuncturist may also recommend other types of treatment such as dietary and lifestyle recommendations, herbal therapy, cupping, and gua sha. When it comes to mental health, a holistic approach is often needed in order to get the best results. It’s important to find an experienced acupuncturist that you trust to get started on your healing journey. If you are searching for an acupuncture clinic in the Las Vegas area, feel free to contact our office for more information.

I Have Migraines. Will Acupuncture Reduce The Pain?

If you suffer with migraines, you have probably tried numerous types of treatments in order to relieve the debilitating effects of the condition.  Those who are unfamiliar with migraines probably do not understand the level of pain that is being felt, and as a result may compare your situation to a common headache.  Migraines cannot be relieved by taking aspirin or other conventional pain relief pills, and they are generally severe enough to cause a situation where the patient does not have the ability to fully function during the migraine episode.  This is why so many people will flock to alternative treatments for migraine pain, as they have been given dead ends through so many other medical treatments.  If you are finding information on treatment of migraines as a result of doing your own research, or if you have been provided with information as a result of your western doctor suggesting alternative medicine due to the ineffectiveness of traditional treatments for your situation, acupuncture maybe for you.  It is noted that acupuncture has been recognized as being effective in a wide range of health issues including migraines and different forms of headaches.  If your western doctor has suggested acupuncture, or if you have made the decision to seek out an acupuncture clinic in order to explore the technique and what it can do for you, then it is important for you to understand what types of pain acupuncture has had the best results alleviating.  It has been used for many thousands of years to treat everything from lower back pain to menstrual cramps and migraines along with muscle and joint pain.  In Chinese medicine it is viewed that pain and disease is a result of the flow of body energy called Qi pronounced “chi” being stagnated and disrupted.  The insertion of needles in the acupuncture points courses this subtle body energy bringing balance and flow while promoting general wellness. Western medicine views acupuncture as coming from a different reasoning in that the insertion of needles into these specific points of the body results in an immune response while stimulating the flow of blood and possibly causing an endorphin response and stimulating muscles and nerves.  No matter what the reasoning behind the success, it has been reported in time tested cases that pain is reduced and acupuncture should be considered as an option.

If you suffer from migraines and are seeking an acupuncture clinic to discuss potential treatments, you should look for local clinics that are well reviewed and also demonstrate an adherence to medical cleanliness.  The acupuncturist should explain to you that the needles are single use, are pre sterilized and then discarded into biohazard containers.  Your acupuncturist should explain as what to expect as far as any discomfort during the insertion or removal process along with expected progress of your treatments and the reduction of pain associated with migraines.  If you need any information on acupuncture in the Las Vegas area, please contact our clinic today.

If you suffer with migraines, you have probably tried numerous types of treatments in order to relieve the debilitating effects of the condition.  Those who are unfamiliar with migraines probably do not understand the level of pain that is being felt, and as a result may compare your situation to a common headache.  Migraines cannot be relieved by taking aspirin or other conventional pain relief pills, and they are generally severe enough to cause a situation where the patient does not have the ability to fully function during the migraine episode.  This is why so many people will flock to alternative treatments for migraine pain, as they have been given dead ends through so many other medical treatments.  If you are finding information on treatment of migraines as a result of doing your own research, or if you have been provided with information as a result of your western doctor suggesting alternative medicine due to the ineffectiveness of traditional treatments for your situation, acupuncture maybe for you.  It is noted that acupuncture has been recognized as being effective in a wide range of health issues including migraines and different forms of headaches.  If your western doctor has suggested acupuncture, or if you have made the decision to seek out an acupuncture clinic in order to explore the technique and what it can do for you, then it is important for you to understand what types of pain acupuncture has had the best results alleviating.  It has been used for many thousands of years to treat everything from lower back pain to menstrual cramps and migraines along with muscle and joint pain.  In Chinese medicine it is viewed that pain and disease is a result of the flow of body energy called Qi pronounced “chi” being stagnated and disrupted.  The insertion of needles in the acupuncture points courses this subtle body energy bringing balance and flow while promoting general wellness. Western medicine views acupuncture as coming from a different reasoning in that the insertion of needles into these specific points of the body results in an immune response while stimulating the flow of blood and possibly causing an endorphin response and stimulating muscles and nerves.  No matter what the reasoning behind the success, it has been reported in time tested cases that pain is reduced and acupuncture should be considered as an option.

If you suffer from migraines and are seeking an acupuncture clinic to discuss potential treatments, you should look for local clinics that are well reviewed and also demonstrate an adherence to medical cleanliness.  The acupuncturist should explain to you that the needles are single use, are pre sterilized and then discarded into biohazard containers.  Your acupuncturist should explain as what to expect as far as any discomfort during the insertion or removal process along with expected progress of your treatments and the reduction of pain associated with migraines.  If you need any information on acupuncture in the Las Vegas area, please contact our clinic today.

Can Acupuncture Help Me?

Many people are intimidated by what they do not understand, and acupuncture is no different.  Acupuncture itself was developed many thousands of years ago in ancient China as a modality that is used to balance, correct and supplement the subtle body energy known as Qi.  This is accomplished through the insertion of acupuncture needles into the skin at different acupuncture points in order to address any specific health issue that the patient may be experiencing.  The point of needle insertion may not necessarily be the exact place where the pain is being felt, as many times distal or points of the opposite side or extremity may be used.  Many acupuncturists practice that acupuncture works through the endorphin response in the brain which has a strong effect on the nervous system within the body, ultimately resulting in the relief of pain.  Acupuncture might look far more intimidating than it actually is to those who have never experienced it.  When one thinks about the insertion of needles into the skin, we associate it with a feeling of pain, however the needles used in the acupuncture process are so small and thin that most people will report very minimal to no pain during insertion or during their treatment.  The needles are also made of stainless steel and are only used one time before being discarded.  This assures the patient that there is no potential contamination of the needles or the areas of insertion.  During the treatment, most patients will have a feeling of complete relaxation and experience no discomfort whatsoever.  After the procedure many patients will note that they feel completely relaxed while others will say that they feel energized.  Acupuncture can work in a majority pain issues and can also be effective in patients who see minimal relief from traditional pain relief techniques.  Consult with your Doctor of Oriental Medicine or acupuncturist in order to find out if acupuncture is right for you and your health issue.

One of the most common questions that is asked the acupuncture clinics is if it will work for all forms of pain relief?  This is a difficult question to answer because pain treatment is generally a case by case scenario, with everyone responding to acupuncture differently and health history regarding the pain also being a factor, such as how long has the pain been an issue as the severity of the pain.  Positive results for pain relief have been noted for many different kinds of pain issues ranging from migraines to menstrual cramps and lower back pain.  While there have been specific scientific studies that have proven that acupuncture does work for a specific type of pain relief, each case will show a varying degree of success.  For the majority of patients, acupuncture is used in conjunction with western medicine pain techniques or as stand-alone modality for pain relief.  Discuss your specific case with your acupuncturist and they will be able to answer more appropriately if acupuncture is right for you.

Can Acupuncture Treat Migraines?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment for pain and stress that has been used for many thousands of years and has been adopted by modern times as an effective treatment.  While the debate of the reasons why the treatment works to relieve pain might be one that never gets conclusively decided. The fact that the treatment does work for many people is far more important.  In Chinese medicine it is theorized that the insertion of needles into specific points on the body helps to restore the natural flow body energy.  Western medicine theorizes that the insertion of needles into specific points of the body stimulates blood flow, nerves and connective tissue, as well repairs muscles and injured tissue.  There have been many studies done over the years to test the effectiveness of acupuncture as a relief of stress and pain, with all of them showing a positive amount of effectiveness.  Acupuncture is generally viewed as an alternative treatment for pain relief and is known to work in a majority of cases.  This is why it is important to discuss the different aspects of acupuncture with your acupuncturist as part of your treatment plan and it is a beneficial to schedule a consultation with the most trusted acupuncture clinic in your region in order to formulate a treatment plan for minimizing your pain.  Acupuncture has been used effectively to treat nearly every type of health issue but will show varying effectiveness dependent on the condition being treated and the associated factors involved. One of the most commonly asked questions of acupuncture clinics, is acupuncture effective for a specific kinds of pain that most patients experience.  Each case must be assessed individually, but acupuncture has been recognized as having positive results to treat nearly every type of pain ranging from migraines, to muscle and joint pain, to low back and menstrual pain associated from cramps.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer from migraine headaches.  These are headaches so severe that they are generally viewed as being “debilitating,” which causes the person to not be able to properly function during that time that a migraine has set in.  Acupuncture as a treatment for migraines will involve the insertion of needles into specific points such as the neck, head, hands, feet and legs.  It is mandated that a licensed acupuncture clinic takes cleanliness and sterilization seriously.  The needles are single-use, stainless steel needles that are specifically designed for this acupuncture and are discarded after your treatment.  The acupuncturist should explain to you what to expect, as far as progress of pain levels as well as any pain or discomfort that would be as a result of the treatment.  Most people feel minimal to no pain involved in the process and will also report a reduction of migraine symptoms as a result of continuous treatments.

How To Choose A Las Vegas Acupuncture Clinic

How To Choose A Las Vegas Acupuncture Clinic

Read More: www.desertridgeacu.com

When choosing a Las Vegas acupuncture clinic, patients should do some research both online and with their doctor in order to make a good choice that is appropriate for the comfort level and expectations of the patient.  First and foremost, the acupuncture clinic that you choose should have a good reputation of achieving the expected results of the patients.  It should be convenient to either your home or workplace, although driving distance and convenience should definitely not be the primary factor that influences your decision.  As far more important these the technique of the acupuncture technician and the comfort level you feel as a patient in the facility.  Acupuncture is a blend of eastern and western techniques and philosophies and is considered by many as alternative medicine.  It has shown the ability to relieve stress as well as pain in patients that have not responded very favorably to traditional treatments.  While the eastern philosophy of acupuncture takes into consideration and the balancing of life energy through the insertion of needles along specific flow pathways, the western version of acupuncture believes that the insertion of needles is stimulating nerves and muscles in order to release endorphins.  The procedure itself these the same if not very similar, but the acupuncture clinic itself may lean towards a presentation that is more philosophical or medical depending on the philosophies of the practitioners themselves.  It is important for patients to feel comfortable with the process of acupuncture, so it cannot be stressed enough to have an open dialogue with the acupuncture technician that you have chosen in order to ease any concerns you may have.

One of the most commonly misunderstood aspects of acupuncture involves the needles themselves.  Many people are afraid that there will be pain involved during the insertion for removal process, but this is usually a concern and that is relieved during the first session.  Most patients report that they feel no discomfort during the process, and many will say they feel nothing at all.  Another concern regarding the needles is how they are handled.  The acupuncture needles are stainless steel and single use.  They are disposed of in the biohazard waste container after they are used, and they are removed from the premises by a biohazard waste removal service.  The needles that are used are sterile and present no threat of contamination for patients.  Acupuncture may not be the only technique that is used in the clinic of your choice, and there are several other methods including acupressure, cupping and other manipulation techniques that may be part of your treatment.  Each treatment is individual and designed for that specific patient to relieve the specific pains that are being experienced.  Your initial treatment session can take upwards of 2 hours and follow-up sessions generally take about an hour.  Any concerns should be discussed with your acupuncture technician during your consultation.

If you would like to find out more about acupuncture and are in the Las Vegas area, contact our local acupuncture clinic today.

How Does Acupuncture Work

How Does Acupuncture Work

Read More: www.desertridgeacu.com

Acupuncture is a modern therapeutic technique that is derived from an ancient Chinese medicine.  The traditional forms of Chinese medicine explain acupuncture as a method and technique which will balance the flow of energy and life force.  This energy is known as “chi,” mean and the balancing involves the insertion of thin needles at specific points within your body.  These points are believed to be along pathways called “meridians” through which energy flows.  It is believed that the stimulation that the needles provide at the specific points will help to restore and re-balance the energy flow within the body.  While western acupuncture technicians use the same techniques, it is generally believed in western medicine that the acupuncture points are places where the nerves, connective tissue and muscles can be stimulated.  Western medicine believes that through the stimulation of these points, your natural painkillers within your body will be boosted.  It is for this reason that many doctors will prescribe acupuncture for a wide range of pains and other conditions.  Common conditions that will benefit from acupuncture are dental pain, lower back pain, neck pain, menstrual cramps, some respiratory disorders and allergies, headaches and migraines as well as chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting.  All of these conditions involve discomfort on the part of the patient, and can potentially bring about relief.

Each acupuncture technician we’ll have their own unique style and technique, often blend in eastern and western approaches.  The practitioner must assess your your condition in order to provide the specific type of acupuncture treatment that will be the most beneficial for your symptoms.  After the initial analysis, the procedure itself will involve the insertion of needles into your skin at various depths and its strategic points on your body.  Because of how thin needles are, there is generally little to no discomfort whatsoever.  Many people will report that they do not feel any discomfort whatsoever as the needles are inserted and manipulated.  They are generally between five and 20 needles used in typical treatment and you can expect them to remain in place for about 10 to 20 minutes while you lay on a padded table and relax.  The needle removal also causes no discomfort.

There are different reactions that people have after in acupuncture treatment.  Some people will feel very relaxed while others will feel completely energized.  While it is usually beneficial for the treatment of pain related symptoms, acupuncture is not for everyone and sometimes may not produce the expected results.  If symptoms do not begin to improve after a few weeks, it may be better to consult your doctor to find alternative treatments.  Acupuncture is worth trying if you are having difficulty controlling your pain using the conventional methods that your doctor prescribes.  While the benefits are sometimes difficult to assess and measure, many people find acupuncture to be one of the most effective than helpful methods of controlling their painful situations.

If you would like to find out more about acupuncture and are in the Las Vegas area, contact our local Las Vegas acupuncture clinic today.

Las Vegas Acupuncture

Las Vegas Acupuncture

Read More: www.desertridgeacu.com

Acupuncture as a method of relieving pain and stress that involves the insertion of thin needles into your skin at specific points known as meridians or pathways.  It is derived from an ancient eastern medicine techniques where the belief was that energy within the body flows along these specific pathways.  Pain and discomfort as well as overall poor health were believed to be able to be relieved through the balancing of life energy.  It was theorized that poor health and pain were as a result of the life force being out of balance and out of harmony.  Through the insertion of needles along the pathways that life force flows, it could be rebalanced and assist the patient towards a more harmonious life and ultimately feelings of joy without pain.  Modern western medicine has adopted many of the techniques that were used in ancient acupuncture, however the belief that this technique is bouncing life energy is not necessarily the reasoning behind it.  In western medicine it is believed that through the insertion of needles at specific points in the body you can stimulate the nerves and connective tissue as well as the muscles in order to release the body’s natural pain management defenses.  The modern acupuncturist will insert these needles at specific points based upon an analysis of where the pain and discomfort lies within the patient as well as what may have brought this discomfort about.  The technique will usually utilized somewhere between 5 and 20 needles are inserted into the skin before being manipulated.  Each acupuncture technician has a different technique, but the manipulation of thin needles will generally involve a twirling or spinning motion.  These needles are then left inserted for a specified time frame while the person relaxes on a padded table.  Sometimes the area where the needle insertion happens is actually not near the area where pain is felt.  This is due to experience showing the acupuncture technician where the nerves and connective tissue must be stimulated in order to have an impact at a specific place in the body.  These techniques can be used to relieve many different kinds of pain and discomfort ranging from headaches and migraines to lower back pain and even menstrual cramps.  Acupuncture has also been noted to be able to relieve nausea and vomiting happens as a result of chemotherapy.  While it is not prescribed for every type of pain management, it is generally believed to have a positive impact in patients that may not be responding well to more traditional treatments.  It is important to note that there is usually no pain or discomfort felt by the patient door in the acupuncture procedure.  The needles are thin enough that upon insertion or withdrawal, most patients will feel nothing at all.  After the acupuncture treatment, patients will respond in a variety of ways.  Some feel energized and others feel relaxed.

If you would like to find out more about acupuncture and are in the Las Vegas area, contact our local Las Vegas acupuncture clinic today.