What Is The Difference Between Regular Acupuncture And Electroacupuncture?

What Is The Difference Between Regular Acupuncture And Electroacupuncture?

Traditional acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that dates back more than 2500 years ago. In Chinese medicine, the belief is that our bodies contain an energy life force known as “qi.” (pronounced “chee”) This energy flows through pathways known as “meridians.” When this energy becomes blocked, it can lead to health issues, aches, and pains. Acupuncture is used to balance these subtle energies in order to restore health and promote healing. This is done using thin filiform needles that are placed into the skin on specific meridian points. These needles stimulate the nervous system, causing endorphins to be released and the immune system to respond.

What conditions does acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture has been known to treat a variety of conditions. It is most commonly used for treating pain but it is also used for treating mental health issues among other conditions. Here are some common ailments that acupuncture can treat:

  • Chronic back pain/neck pain/joint pain
  • Migraines/headaches
  • Depression/anxiety/stress
  • Allergies
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Respiratory disorders
  • And many more

What is electroacupuncture?

Electroacupuncture is basically an enhanced version of traditional acupuncture. Unlike traditional acupuncture where 10-20 needles are used during one session, electroacupuncture typically uses fewer needles. These needles are connected by alligator clips to a machine that sends electrical currents through the needles. Your acupuncturist will determine where to place the needles based on your condition and symptoms. Electroacupuncture machines have different current and voltage settings. Low-voltage settings will be used in the beginning but your acupuncturist may increase the voltage throughout the session. During one of these sessions, you may feel a tingling sensation but it is typically not painful. It also takes less time than traditional acupuncture- 10-20 minutes compared to 30 minutes or longer. These sessions are meant to enhance healing and your body’s natural nervous system and immune response.

What conditions are commonly treated with electroacupuncture?

There is a wide variety of conditions that can be treated with electroacupuncture. It has been widely used in China for treating a variety of neurological conditions and has been useful for treating sensory and motor problems. Some other common conditions treated by electroacupuncture are

  • Headaches
  • Back/neck/joint pain
  • Depression/anxiety/stress
  • Arthritis
  • Addiction
  • Acute pain
  • Tinnitus
  • Chemotherapy-related nausea

Talk to your doctor or your local acupuncturist to see if electroacupuncture is right for you. Side effects of electroacupuncture are uncommon, but in rare cases, they may include nausea, pain, redness or bruising where the needles were placed, and dizziness or feeling faint.

Finding the right acupuncturist for you

If you are interested in trying electroacupuncture, it’s important to find a licensed acupuncturist who is experienced in both traditional and electroacupuncture. They will be able to recommend a treatment plan that fits your individual needs and condition(s). They may recommend a combination of different treatments within Chinese medicine. These treatments may include some variety of herbal therapy, diet recommendations, cupping, and other types of treatment. If you are in the Las Vegas area, you can contact our office for more information about acupuncture treatment options.